Category Archives: Flax Seeds

flax seeds supplier - kisan agro

Flax Seeds: A Sustainable Superfood Exported by Kisan Agro

The significance of including wholesome and sustainable food options in our diets has come to light in recent years. One such superfood that has gained significant popularity is flax seeds. Flax seeds are now a common ingredient in many households all over the world since they are rich in critical nutrients and are known for […]

Flaxseed and Linsee suppliers | Organic Products of India

Flaxseed: Skin And Hair Benefits

Flax seeds are commonly referred to as flax or linseeds, which are tiny, brown, or golden seeds that are known to be high in Fibre. They are small oilseeds of an angiosperm Linumusitatissimum within the Linaceae . It is a fiber crop that is consumed by humans as food and has been used as a […]

flaxseed suppliers

Flax Facts: 6 Benefits You Need To Know About Flaxseed

Flaxseeds also called linseeds are tiny, brown, or golden seeds that are known to be high in Fibre. It is a food and Fibre crop that is cultivated in cooler regions of the world. Flaxseeds are widely used as they are the best source for alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and healthy omega 3 fat. They are […]

Advantages of Flax Meal

Benefits and Uses of Flax Meal

Flax seed is also known as linseed or Linumusitatissimum. It is a fibre crop which is cultivated in countries that have cooler temperature and climate.  Canada, Russia and India are world’s leading producer of flax seed. The health benefits of ingesting the seed whole or ground is well known and reliable. The nutritional fact of […]

Sesame Vs Flax Seeds

Comparison between Flax Seeds and Sesame Seeds

Flax Seeds and Sesame Seeds are the world’s healthiest seeds and most recommended to every human in the diet. These nutrient seeds are full of Vitamins, fibers, minerals and antioxidants. Moreover, these seeds contain 20% proteins, 40% fats, Vitamin E as well. Although there are many similarities but to discuss we have few different points […]

Health benefits of flaxseed - Organic Products India


Flax seed (Linseed) has a very long and diversified history. It is one of those crops having various benefits in different industries. It is an unknown fact that wild flax was used as a textile in earlier days. The evidence of which can be seen in Dzudzuana Caves Republic of Georgia and are dated to […]


Does Flaxseed reduce blood pressure?

Flax seeds are of great value because of its versatility in terms of nutritional benefits. Flax seeds are a source of liagnins in human diets. Flax seeds can be used as whole or ground to use it as vegetable oil.  Flax seeds are highly nutritious and have numerous health benefits like, it fights cancer and […]


Why is it Necessary to Include Flax Seeds in Your Diet?

Flax Seeds or Linseeds are tiny brown or golden color seeds that are an extraordinarily rich source of micronutrients, fibre, vitamin B, essential oil & omega-3 fatty acid. Well, a small wonder as this seed is, it is supposed to be a quintessential part of our diets. We normally consume these seeds in supplements; however, […]


Flaxseeds – The World’s Healthiest Organic Food

Over the centuries, flax seeds have been cultivated around the world. Flax is world’s most important nutritious superfood out there today. The largest producer of Flax seeds is Canada followed by India. Flax seeds are cultivated for years but people are getting aware of these seeds in recent time due to its nutritional facts and […]